AgilePoint NX:
Composable Business Orchestrations and Automation for Real-Time Agentic Operations
Easily create end-to-end automation with real-time adaptability, future-proofed for Goal-driven, Agentic Closed-loop Optimization.
Core Capabilities
Building Blocks for Resilient Automation and Agility

Business Process Modeler with 1,200+ workflow and integration activities.
Data Modeler for abstracting and harmonizing data connectivity across data sources.
e-Form Builder with 75+ UI controls for creating platform-agnostic interfaces.
No-Code Integration Connectors for 120+ LOB and cloud systems.
Visual Web Services Integration with virtually any system with no code.
Comprehensive 15 Dynamic Process Patterns available for design-time and run-time, enabling real-time adaptability for agentic orchestrations.
Portal Page Builder for an enhanced mass-customizable digital experience.
Model App Builder for creating custom brandable native mobile apps with no-code.
Analytics Builder with 50+ out-of-the box canned reports for automation intelligence.
Flexible Authentication Support with more than 12 authentication providers supported.
Model-Driven Composability for Simplicity and Adaptability
Abstracted, Model-Driven Composability simplifies the creation of platform-independent and run-time adaptable workflows and end-to-end business orchestrations and inherently prepares AI-ready data.
Platform-Agnostic Composability facilitates consolidating technology footprint and rationalizing licenses for underlying commodity LOB systems.
Learn how an AgilePoint-enabled composable SharePoint 2010 workflow was future-proofed for all new editions and is Agentic-Ready today.
Adaptive Layered Governance Framework for Resilient Security

Systematic Governance for end-to-end application lifecycle from development to deployment and run-time.
Dynamic and Granular Guardrails for tasks, workflows, orchestrations, and AI agents.
Environment-Specific Permission Control for DEV, TEST, PROD.
Dynamic API Security to limit external access based on roles.
Scalable Governance for adjusting policies without disruptions.
Embedded AI-Ready Data Intelligence

Exception-Resistance enables capturing critical AI-ready data, including exception-handling decision intelligence and happy-path data, for AI agency training.
Leveraging Proprietary Exception-Handling Decision Intelligence for AI agency training significantly mitigates the mistrust issue with Agentic AI.
AI Control Tower – AI Operationalization and Democratization with Strong Governance

A Non-Intrusive Approach to Operationalizing AI outside of the process without changing existing processes and incurring the need for AI training for business users.
Engage All Teams to accelerate AI adoption and operationalization, with clean separations of boundary and control to facilitate governance.
Multi-Vendor and Multi-Agent Orchestrations

Incorporating Third-party Agents with AI Control Tower and enhanced governance.
Dynamic Orchestration Adaptation Monitoring enhances observability and explainability for AI.
Future-Proofing for Real-Time Agentic AI-Readiness

AgilePoint NX
Tomorrow’s Real-Time Agentic Automation Systems, Ready Today.
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Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Mountain View, California, AgilePoint enables Fortune 5000 companies and governments worldwide to operationalize, democratize, and govern enterprise Agentic AI at run time with resilience and integrity. Operationalize, Democratize, and Govern Enterprise Agentic AI Orchestration with AgilePoint.
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